Sunday, August 14, 2011

THEY Want...

THEY want you to cry...
THEY want you to rejoice...
THEY want you to be crushed from the juggernaut cycle of joy-n-sorrow
THEY want you to be unhappy...
THEY want you to be jealous...
THEY want you to be restless, frightened, terrorized...
THEY want you to be trapped...
THEY want you to be sick (but of course NOT die, O! how thoughtful of them!)...
THEY want you to be discontent... distraught... to be dissatisfied...
THEY want you to be careless... and to be reckless...
THEY want you to rob, wage wars, stir unrest, kill...
THEY want you to drink to stupor, smoke weed and such...
THEY want you to buy, beg, borrow and steal...
THEY want you to fall...

THEY want you to want MORE...
THEY want you to be in constant search of peace...
What they DON'T want is for you to attain the peace within yourself, never reach out to that ever illusive  inner peace...
So that THEY can run their own agenda unhindered while you are too busy untangling your own mess!
Simply, because, if everybody finds his or her zen or connection to the core or victory over their minds-and-bodies the whole of socio-politico-economic machinery as we know of today will ~~bham~~~ come to an abrupt end!
Would that be so bad, after all?  THEY don't want you to know that!
What?  You are lost! So was I, until this epiphany dawned upon me ~~~beaming with newly earned uselessly dangerous knowledge~~~ Frankly, I'm still lost, but at least I now know where: a place from where I seem to see no escape.

THEY are the ones who own you and yet make you feel you are free,
THEY are the ones who siphon riches out while you toil away and pay your taxes, it is
THEY who reap the benefits of most of your material hard work,
THEY are the ones who control when you feel and what you feel,
THEY tell you what to read, write and hear...
THEY tell you what to do and how to do it, while making you believe you have a free (~~stifled chuckles~~, free???) free will,
THEY are the ones who own you, worse, they own your souls!
There is only THEY, not you or me.
All your base are belong to THEM. 
This my friends, is nothing but a progression towards Dystopian world (1984?)! And...
This my friend, is an illusion of Democracy! A hallucination of highest degree, if you will! And...
THEY don't want you to know that! 
Because, you, like a respectably good populace, are too busy earning your bread, paying your bills, rentals, loans on time, living (as much as possible!) a lawful life and spending the rest of your energies loving your loved ones, turning a blind eye to everything else.  You are not like this because of your own will or (laughably your) destiny... you are what you are only because THEY want you to be like this!  At least most of you are, there are always mavericks(???) amongst us, and THEY hate (read: eliminate!) them.
THEY choose who becomes what, how and when... Not you...
THIS my dear friend, is THEIR machinery and THEIR victory, not ours! At least for now and some more decades to come!
If you understand this (which I highly doubt ~~huh~~~  Not because you are not smart, but only because of its vagueness and lack of a head-or-a-tail) but if you do understand then you will know that this is a universal fact which knows no personal, political, geographical, social or economical boundaries.  The only thing that varies is how sophisticated this machinery of THEIR's can get.  But the machinery is omnipresent ~~sigh~~

But, the point I wanted to say was,
this started out as a random thought (#33), but I figured it won't be too bad to call it my very own Independence Day Special! (Independence? ~~~chuckles chuckles~~~ I know I know and I agree with you on this, a very laughable illusion, Independence, indeed!). I found it too apt to pass it otherwise.
Of course, my fellow Indian friends...
Happy Independence Day!
And here's a sincere hoping that you don't see what I do in the above lines!
P.S.: An annoyingly deliberate emphasis on THEY is to signify the power THEY possess over your lives.  And so you must reflect it while you read it by putting extra emphasis whenever you encounter THEY.  Out of respect, you ask?  Lol! Hell NO!!!

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